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How To Handle A Naughty Puppy

Puppies are mischievous little creatures. When you bring your little bundle of fur home, you are full of hope as you have read all the books and puppy-proofed the house to Fort Knox standard. You are prepared for accidents on the new carpet in the lounge and, when puppy looks up at you with eyes full of guilt, your initial frustration ebbs away.

The most effective way to stop your mouthy canine from mauling your body parts is to say “ouch” loudly and firmly (but never to the point where your puppy is frightened). The volume of your voice will surprise the puppy and they will be inquisitive as to what the problem is. Once puppy has stopped going for your ankle, reward them with lots of praise without getting them hyper, and reward with a toy – which also acts as a distraction from your hand or foot.

Finding Their Voice

As cruel as it sounds, sometimes it is best to ignore your puppy. If you know they are safe and all possible avenues of anguish have been explored, do not pander to them. It can be extremely difficult, like having a screeching new born baby, but running to your puppy every time they let out a noise will reinforce this behaviour and it could become an issue in later life that is hard to correct.

Jumping Up

Jumping up to greet people, or launching at kitchen counters for leftovers, is a trait of a mischievous puppy and, from an early age your puppy needs to be taught that all four limbs need to be in contact with the ground. No owner wants muddy foot prints up their work uniform and, especially with larger breeds, people can get knocked over easily.

Gently telling your dog off when they initiate this behaviour will set them on the right track and it is ideal to warn visitors to not encourage this behaviour, no matter how endearing your puppy is.

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